General Information

Location and Facilities

Bredon is a fairly large village situated near the Worcestershire–Gloucestershire border. The Tennis Club is located on Bredon Playing Fields on the North-East edge of the village. To find us, look at this regional map and then this local map.

The Club has four all-weather macadam courts, two of which are equipped with floodlights. The pavilion has a large club-room, with a kitchenette. There are also changing rooms with showers, and a toilet. All the facilities have wheelchair access. Keys for the pavilion are available to members for a small deposit.

Playing Tennis

The club provides many opportunities for competitive and social tennis. Club sessions are held five times a week, teams play in local leagues, and there are regular tournaments too. Several weekly coaching sessions (particularly for juniors) are also held at the club.

Apart from these sessions (see the weekly timetable for details) members may use the courts for playing tennis whenever they like. Booking is not normally necessary, except perhaps when using the floodlights. Visitors may play with a member as their guest at a charge of £2 (£1 for juniors) per session. Local visitors should become members after two sessions as guests.

Management and Administration

The Club is constituted as a non-profit making, unincorporated members’ club. It is administered by a committee, which meets several times each year. Minutes of the meetings are displayed in the pavilion. The financial year is from 1st April to 31st March, and the Annual General Meeting is held in April. Members are kept informed about the Club by newsletters several times a year. Comments and suggestions from members are always welcome. Members can leave written feedback in the box in the pavilion, or send an email to [email protected].


The membership year runs from May to April. Those renewing before the end of April receive a discount. Fees are reduced on 1st October.

Enquiries about membership should be directed to the Membership Secretary (Carol Smith), email [email protected], . To join the club, prospective members will need to complete an application form. This can be downloaded from our website (see the membership page), or a paper copy can be obtained from the secretary.

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