Social Tennis

Club Social Sessions

The mainstay of social tennis within the club is the four club sessions, held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, Friday afternoons, and Sunday mornings, all year round. For exact times, please see the weekly timetable.

At club sessions, members play one set of doubles and then mix with other members. The club provides balls for all club sessions, for which members pay 50p per session and £1.00; for evening sessions to include use of the floodlights (see below). New balls are provided roughly once a week, weather permitting. Competent juniors are invited to join in all social sessions.


Courts 1 and 2 have floodlights which are operated from meters in the pavilion. The meters take tokens. The present cost is £2.50; per token for half an hour’s light. Tokens may be purchased from either Matthew Cartwright or Robert Ralph, both phone numbers are on display in the pavilion. Juniors must complete a form with the consent of their parents in order to use the floodlights.

Floodlights for social tennis on Tuesday & Thursday evenings in September will be free, so members will only pay 50p for balls. From October onwards members will pay £1; towards ball and lights. There is a file in the pavilion to book court time under the floodlights outside club sessions.

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